Noun • quadriplegic | |
गर्दन: neck | |
गर्दन से: by the scruff of neck by the scruff of the neck | |
से: through specially herewith past by afar affiliate | |
से नीचे: below beneath below down from below beneath | |
नीचे: under below downwards downward beneath downstairs | |
शरीर: bod body person bone bulk physical system organic | |
का: presumably belonging to of by squander encode | |
पूर्ण: Pleistocene fill entire clean acceptance absolute | |
पक्षाघात: palsy paralysis hemiplegia | |
गर्दन से नीचे पुरे शरीर का पूर्ण पक्षाघात in English
[ gardan se nice pure sharir ka purna paksaghat ] sound: